Cafe World Leveling Guide

Do you want to know how to power level your cafe in Cafe World? If you want to level up your cafe quickly, you need to keep two things in mind:

What Foods To Cook
-          When To Cook Your Food

Cafe World Leveling By Knowing What Foods To Cook
To power level in Cafe World, you need to know what foods will give you the most cafe points the quickest. The two food items that will give you the most cafe points in the shortest amount of time are:

-          Bacon Cheeseburgers
-          Chips & Guacamole

These two food items require a short amount of time to finish cooking and give +7 cafe points and +5 cafe points respectively. Continually cooking these two items will give you lots of cafe points quickly and easily.

Cafe World Leveling By Knowing When To Cook
Cooking around a schedule is crucial for success in Cafe World. To maximize the profits from cooking your food, you need to know when to cook your food.

If you go on the computer often and for long periods of time, you might want to cook foods with lower completion times and lower cafe points. You can repeatedly cook foods like a Bacon Cheeseburger and be able to make lots of cafe points quickly and easily.

However, if you do not go online often, you may want to cook foods that require a higher time to complete. The foods that take longer may offer more profit and cafe points.

Power Level Your Cafe With The Cafe Leveling Guide    
In order to know exactly what foods to cook and when to cook the food to level up your cafe in the quickest way, I highly recommend you use the Cafe World Leveling guide.

This guide has gathered all the information that you will need to power level your cafe in Cafe World. The guide will give out all of the information in step-by-step instructions that you need to level up your cafe quickly.

Why don’t you take a look at this guide? Visit : Cafe World Leveling Guide

So in order to make level up quickly, you need to know what to cook for your customers and when to cook the food for them.

To get to know all this information without spending hours doing research, it is highly recommended to use the Cafe World Leveling Guide.

Do you want to level up in Cafe World in the quickest way possible? Visit : Cafe World Leveling  Guide

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